So, perhaps I won't be rolling with my IG for the finals of Ard Boys. Perhaps I'll roll with my Blood Angels instead. Here's the general idea for now.
2 Termie Librarians, both with Fear the Darkness, Unleash Rage, Storm Shields.
1 Squad of Assault Termies. 5 with Thunderhammer and Storm Shield, 5 with Lightning Claws.
1 Squad of Assault Termies, 4 Thunderhammer and Storm Shield, 4 Lightning Claws.
3 Sanguinary Priests. 2 with Termie armor, 1 with power armor, BP, CCW.
1 Squad of 9 Assault Marines. Sarge with Fist, 1 Marine with Meltagun. Rhino.
4 Squads of 10 Assault Marines. Each squad's Sarge has a Fist, each squad has 2 Meltaguns, and a Rhino.
2497 points. Tested it out today against my buddy James's Spacewolf monstrosity. I lost 2 Rhino, 1 Assault Squad, 1 Termie Priest, and half of my 8 man Termie Squad. In exchange, I cracked 3 of his Rhino's, both his land speeders, 1 squad of long fangs, and 3 squads of Gray Hunters. I won by 1 kill point on turn 5. If we had another turn, my remaining 4 termies and librarian, along with my second termie assault squad, it's priest, and librarian would have had a nice charge against two full squads of gray hunters, a squad of termie Wolf Guard with Ragnar, and would have been backed up by two unhurt squads of Assault Marines. Yes, I am utterly certain that would have been enough to clear off the 26 marines in front of me. Everyone with furious charge, and all the termies with preferred enemy? Feel no pain? Striking first with loads of power weapons? Yes please.
So, yeah... maybe the Blood Angels.
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