Sunday, January 15, 2012

Well I haven't exactly been posting as I said I wanted to.

Sucks to be me, I wish I had been keeping up with my posting schedule I wanted to. Sadly, life and work gets in the way occasionally.

Ah well, got another squad put together tonight, which pushes me to the full 6 troops choices assembled, 5 of them painted, 1 waiting on paint.

After this, it's going to be the rest of the Forge World guys, which means I'll have 10 jumpers together, and that's about all. Looks like I need to acquire more of the Forge World jumpers, a total of 20 more would be nice, think I'll snag me some of them at Adepticon (which I am going to), and use them to complete either my Vanguard, or something akin to it.

Iron Within, Iron Without.

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