Saturday, December 24, 2011

Dipped another 28 Iron Warriors last night.

Last night after I finally made it home from work I managed to finish the touch up work on the last 28 nearly finished Iron Warriors. For those following along at home, this means that the Garrison unit is finished, Pioneer squad Beta is finished, and Engineer Squad Beta needs to only have the two guys with Meltaguns painted to be ready for dip.

So, last night after the touch ups had time to dry, I took those 28 guys out and gave them the dip bath. They've been drying and sitting since nearly 6am this past morning when I got finished, and hopefully tomorrow they can all get their anti-shine spray to finish them off. I haven't done their hazard chevrons yet, I'll finish those when I get a chance, but for now we have a total of 61 power armor guys that are done paint wise. I only have to finish the bases on these 28 and then I'll be done.

Pictures, of my own special crappy variety come tomorrow as part of my Christmas present to myself.

Iron Within, Iron Without.

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