Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This weeks painting commitment.

Tournament this coming weekend. I want to be able to actually field my army as a painted army, without having to just have some of it painted and some of it either base coated or gray plastic. So, that said, tonight 22 marines made it to the half way painted mark. The marines who are getting painted are the sword squad, all of the missile launchers, five of the Forge World assault marines, the Forge World boarding marine, and one Scibor commander.

What does this mean?

Well tonight with them being half way to the painted mark, tomorrow when I get off work they will push the rest of the way to the fully painted mark. Once that's done, as long as the weather stays nice and not bitterly cold and nasty with wind, they will all get the dip, that's slated for either tomorrow night, or Wednesday night. Hypothetically I dip them Wednesday night, Thursday night I'll be able to seal the dip and start work on the bases.

Hurrah, this will finish all, and I do mean all of my troops choices will be painted, as will all of my heavy support, one of my fast attack, and one of my HQ.

That ignores the Terminators, who are still done.

The thing it doesn't do, is touch the vehicles, which makes me a sad panda.

Meh, ah well, it's been a rough year so far with mom's health problems, personal issues with life and everything else, and... enough excuses. It's less than two months to Adepticon, I am well beyond fallen behind, it's past time to get cracking and get it all done.

Spent a bit over $200 on a bits order from Max Mini, I'm out of heads and backpacks. Which wouldn't be a huge deal if I weren't to the point where I need to start building guys beyond just the basic troops squads. Gonna stick with the helmet pattern of one for all the squad members and another for the leader, but still... more work ahead. Hopefully these 60 heads and backpacks will keep me going for a while.

Iron Within, Iron Without

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